"For being my wonderful coach who always asks me the right questions."
Jane M. - H.P. Executive
"I have seen improvements in my health, interpersonal relationships and my career developments. I have begun and maintained a regular exercise program, have had more constancy in relationships with my friends and family and have considerably increased my earnings. It is clear to me that these gains are directly attributable to my work with Ms. Greenman. I honestly cannot say enough about how helpful she has been to me."
Barry K. S. - Small Business Owner
"The heart of our discussions was on my work as an executive. The work I did with Rebecca helped me see beyond the day-to-day tasks. When I get caught up in the details I don't spend time being an effective leader. Our sessions focused on the 'how to' rather than 'the what'. I thought more about relationships and how to make them better. It improved my interactions with my direct reports. Rebecca has certainly given me another set of eyes."
Richard W. - Executive
"Looking at the areas of my life I was least satisfied with at the beginning of our work together I feel that through our regular (coaching appointments) I've gained the tools to manage them. These are not areas with instant solutions. I feel I've gained the tools and skills to address the different areas as they become more stressful or off balance."
Peggy M. - Director of an Agency
"My work with you allowed me to focus on the details which I needed to attend to which facilitated my getting my current position."
Gloria D. - Writer
"I've been feeling overwhelmed about how to deal with the general disorder and complexity of my life and I feel I now have an organized way to begin putting things in order and becoming more effective. It gave me an overview and it made it manageable."
Mary L. - Small Business owner
"This has been one of the best things I've done while getting back to work. The sharpened focus and a sounding board that your coaching provided helped keep me on track. Preparing for weekly calls meant I had to clarify and sum up both for myself and for you what progress I'd made. Your perspective was welcome and helpful."
M.S. - Artist and Business Owner